Using SDGs to Understand Global Issues – SDG 1: No Poverty

6 years ago

Teaching about global poverty and examining solutions to reduce poverty worldwide is essential to tackling an issue that affects millions…

Ambassador Teacher Spotlight: Scott Parker

6 years ago

At Participate Learning, we seek to grow and empower an international community of educators from around the world. We place…

Three Steps to Becoming a Culturally Responsive Teacher

6 years ago

By 2020, the US Census Bureau projects that over 50 percent of the children in the United States will be…

In My Own Words: The Impact of Our Work in the Community

6 years ago

Alejandro Luna is an ambassador teacher from Quito, Ecuador. He is in his second year with Participate Learning working as…

Employee Spotlight: Rocio Evans

6 years ago

Along with its global leaders program and ambassador teachers, Participate Learning offers dual language programs in schools in the Carolinas…

Piney Creek’s Unique Approach to the SDGs

6 years ago

Kindness as a goal At the 4th Annual Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) Learning Conference, Maggie Murphy made a confession:…

Congratulations to the 2019 Teachers of the Year!

6 years ago

The end of the academic year is a big deal for students and teachers alike. There is always much to…

Paying It Forward: 2019’s Local Adviser of the Year

6 years ago

When an ambassador teacher with Participate Learning arrives ready to take on the new adventure of living and working in…

Seven Ways the SDGs are Important in a Classroom

6 years ago

The Sustainable Development Goals – also known as SDGs – are designed to bring people together to improve life around…

Ambassador Teacher Spotlight: Mariela Quiros

6 years ago

Participate Learning is committed to bringing ambassador teachers together to form a community of educators from around the world. By…