Participate Learning Glossary
Key terms for global education
21st-century skills
The attitudes and skills students need to address challenges in work, life and citizenship in the 21st century. These are often identified as critical thinking, problem solving and creativity, and others. From birth and throughout their lives, learners experience a range of events that develop their skills, character and ability to succeed. The foundation of 21st-century skills is rooted in learning that happens in and out of school.
Ambassador Teachers
Any Participate Learning teacher is referred to as an Ambassador Teacher. We use the phrase Ambassador Teachers to highlight the fact that they are more than just teachers–they are ambassadors of their culture, language, and heritage.
B Corporation
B Corps are for-profit organizations certified by the nonprofit B Lab that meet rigorous standards of accountability, environmental sustainability and positive social impact. There is a growing community of more than 2,100 Certified B Corps from 50 countries and more than 130 industries working toward a unifying goal: to redefine success in business. As a B Corp, Participate Learning is committed to ensuring our social mission drives our organization.
Communities of Practice
According to Wenger-Trayner, “Communities of Practice are groups of people who share a concern or a passion for something they do and learn how to do it better as they interact regularly.” They are a key component of effective professional development because learning is a social activity. Together, members learn and grow through regular collaboration. With our sister company, Participate Inc., learners use an online space to connect, access and share resources, engage in discussions and complete courses together.
Connected Educators
Educators who connect with colleagues outside their school community to create a professional learning network. Connected educators learn new tools, strategies and ideas that are reflected in their classroom.
A theory of learning that emphasizes the importance of networks. Connectivism poses that social and cultural contexts affect how and when learning takes place.
Our sister company, Participate Inc., offers professional development courses. They emphasize inquiry-based learning, formative assessment, technology integration, and culturally responsive and student-centered teaching strategies.
Cultural competency
Cultural competencies involve interacting and respectfully responding to people from different cultures.
Our sister company, Participate Inc., hosts discussions through communities of practice. Discussions may involve brainstorming, asking questions, sharing resources and announcing events within a community. Any member of a community can create, monitor and contribute to an ongoing conversation surrounding a certain theme, question or topic.
Dual language immersion
Dual language immersion programs include deliberate literacy development in two languages and authentic exposure to rich language experiences. Many dual language immersion programs start when a child is in kindergarten and continues through fifth grade. Core subjects are taught in the target language at least half of the school day.
Digital tools that can enhance teaching and learning when thoughtfully integrated into instruction.
English Language Learners (ELLs)
Students who are usually from non-English-speaking homes and backgrounds, and are unable to communicate fluently or learn effectively in English. ELLs participate in language assistance programs in their schools to improve their English.
Global Leaders
Participate Learning’s guidelines for developing students as active members of society. This framework includes instructional practices and global competencies that prepare students to successfully navigate the global marketplace and think critically about the world around them.
Global learning
Learning rooted in the exploration of different cultures. Students examine political, social, and economic systems around the world.
A word or phrase after a hash (#) sign used to identify and collect Tweets around a specific topic or event. Hashtags, such as #UnitingOurWorld and #GlobalEd, bring together the same community of educators over time.
Inquiry-based learning
A form of active learning that poses questions or challenges. Students conduct research, present on a topic and reflect on their learning in an iterative cycle.
Local adviser
Local advisers are more experienced Ambassador Teachers with Participate Learning who have committed to helping greet, orient, and monitor new international teachers during their first year. Local advisers help the newest international teachers settle into their new environment and overcome challenges to support personal and professional growth.
Peer review
Peer review offers teachers the opportunity to learn from one another. Teachers apply concepts to their classroom practice, submit evidence of learning, reflect on their experience and receive feedback from a trained peer reviewer. Participate Inc. peer review empowers teachers as experts, and places collaboration at the center of professional learning.
Professional development
Training that advances professional skills and effectiveness. Professional development for educators can include attending conferences and workshops, taking online courses, observations and informal learning experiences.
Professional learning network (PLN)
A group of educators connected through technology and/or in-person interactions that collaborate with and learn from one another. This network can forge strong bonds and support, empower teacher learning and provide feelings of connectedness. Technology can play a large role in growing a PLN.
Sustainable Development Goals
The United Nations’ Sustainable Development Agenda includes 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to be achieved by 2030. Countries around the world have committed to tackling the world’s biggest challenges by meeting these goals:
- No Poverty
- End Hunger
- Good Health and Well-being
- Quality Education
- Gender Equality
- Clean Water and Sanitation
- Affordable and Clean Energy
- Decent Work and Economic Growth
- Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
- Reduced Inequalities
- Sustainable Cities and Communities
- Responsible Production and Consumption
- Climate Action
- Life Below Water
- Life on Land
- Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions
- Partnerships for the Goals
Virtual exchange
Virtual exchanges can take on many forms, including pen pals, video messaging and even more unconventional projects. They allow teachers to share cultural experiences with their classroom and students around the world. Participate Learning’s Ambassador Teachers bring their cultural heritage to classrooms and complete virtual exchanges with students in another part of the world while teaching in the US.